sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

Adriane Galisteu is called "bitch" and oportunistic by a brazilian newspaper in 1995

Folha de Sao Paulo , 19/05/1995 (one of the main newspapers in Brazil)

The Butterfly Adriane is more of a bitch


Adriane Galisteu will make US$ 500,000 to pose nude in Playboy?? It seems so... A lot of cretins believe that the "girlfriend" of Senna will even earn this astronomical figure to show her vagina on coated paper.

Adriane Galisteu - Playboy 1995 - posing nude using her status of last girlfriend of Ayrton Senna

That Galisteu makes me feel uncomfortable. For once , I am forced to agree with the traditional mining Lady: everyone does what she wants with her vagina, but this girl has gone too far.

After leaving the surveillance advertising scheme armed by Antonio Carlos de Almeida Braga , the banker friend of Senna , Adriane only did one thing: going off track into the gravel trap .

In order to minimize the bad things that the limited Galisteu could do to the image of the champion, with great wisdom and per request of Braguinha , a well known advertising agency hired the ghost-writer Nirlando Beirão to help the girl to "tell her story" in the idiotic book "My life with Ayrton".

Adriane Galisteu presenting her book "My life with Senna", only 5 months after Senna's accident in Imola

For a while, he managed to babysit the girl. But once she started walking on her own feet, she ran to the spotlight. See, for example, her tearful visits to the Tamburello curve and the Morumby Cemetery, just at the moment when she knew that the press would be there.

Adriane Galisteu posing for the press next to Ayrton Senna's grave at the Morumbi Cemetery
There are good reasons for the disagreements between the Senna family and Adriane Galisteu that have nothing to do with Xuxa. Whoever saw Adriane going from boat to boat at the last Monaco Grand Prix that Senna took part in, knows what I'm talking about. You also know that the model Carole Alt did not lie when she declared to have had a long, a very long affair with the champion.

Ayrton Senna - Carol Alt - 1991

Source: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/fsp/1995/5/19/cotidiano/3.html

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